Papercraft Illustrations - Nemo Kennislink
NEMO Science Museum Amsterdam celebrated their 100th birthday with the exhibition Living Looonger. Delving into the mysteries of ageing, ways to stay healthy and treatments that can slow down or even stop the ageing process. Is it possible that in the future, we could reach the age of 150, or live even longer? How would this affect us? Would it be better if we embraced our mortality?
For Nemo Kennislink , NEMO's journalistic platform, I illustrated three series of articles that try to answer these and related questions.

ANWB Kampioen - Vakantie Enquête
A series of spot illustrations for ANWB's Kampioen, to go with an article about their vacation survey.
Illustrating things like summer holiday locations, costs and annoyances. Supplemented with some vacation icons. Fun quick job with the sweathearts at Shop Around.

LINDA. magazine
LINDA. magazine celebrated 20 years of existence. Which made me feel a little old because I can clearly remember the wonderfully provocative magazine being new.
Luckily this pain was soothed by them asking me to illustrate the prizes they doled out in their anniversary issue.

Schuur Magazine - Friendship
Schuur Magazine asked me to illustrate ‘friendship’ so I made them this composition of hugs, that, with a little bit of will and imagination, looks somewhat like an ampersand.

Mezza - Please stop met pleasen
In Mezza; a plea to stop people-pleasing. To stop hiding our authentic selves behind pseudo-generosity or flexibility. And start taking care of our own as well as others' needs.

Paradiso + Illustratie Biënnale concert poster
Every two years the Illustratie Biënnale organises an outdoor exhibition. For this edition the Illustratie Biënnale is collaborating with music venue Paradiso. The exhibiting illustrators create concert posters inspired by the rich archive of the pop temple.

Mezza - Narcisme
There never were as many narcissists in the Netherlands as there are now. Professor clinical psychology Jan Derksen explains why he thinks that is.
Never liked paper flowers but somehow for Mezza I keep making and secretly enjoying them.

Mezza - Ik zei toch sorry?
Illustration for an article in Mezza, the first and foremost ingredient of a good apology is empathy.

FILOSOFIE MAGAZINE - Op zoek naar de ziel
Cover illustration for Filosofie Magazine depicting the search for the soul. This issue’s dossier contains a brief history of the soul, from Homerus to Kafka. And Ole Martin Høystad talks about why and how he thins we should become friends with our souls.

Mezza - Ik schaam me dood
Shame makes sure we behave according to social norms. Too much shame can make us feel depressed though. But, speaker, author and psychologist Aukje Nauta learned, sharing your feelings of shame sets you free. Stopping pretending improves your relationships.

Such a lovely commission! An even bigger series of illustrations to fill a second book for Ouders van Nu. This time on making sure your kid survives her/his first 18 months. Graphic design by Diewertje van Wering and published with Kosmos Uitgevers.

Ouders van Nu - Van peuter tot kleuter
Another delightful commission! Loved working on these illustrations for Ouders van Nu. Who made a third book helping you raise your kid. Learn what to do when your mini rascal is having a tantrum in the supermarket, is getting very familiar with the word 'No' or throws her/his food on the floor. And in the mean time enjoy the funny things toddlers say.

VPRO gids - Puzzels
Rutger Paulusse and I were asked to create a cover for the notorious VPRO gids. The cover article takes a peek into the lives and process of the people behind crossword puzzles and cryptograms. The stack of blocks suggest a port; the door to the wondrous world of these puzzles.

Ouders van Nu - Eten voor twee
Another fun project for Ouders van Nu! A few illustrations for a cookbook for when one is pregnant.

Oh My God!
A photo series where Rutger Paulusse and I explore and combine our crafts of photography, set design and CGI.

VPRO GIDS - Blokken
Cover illustration for VPRO Gids about 'Blokken'. The lovely Jona Rotting asked me to work with him and translate an idea of his into paper. And so I did. Loved working on this together!

What an awesome project this was! Plint asked me to illustrate a whole magazine filled with poems for children from 6-106. Which made for this dreamy, soft and sweet world, built from paper, spices and rocks.

Instructions DIY kit
Decided to make extra DIY kits for the car I originally made for my Christmas wishes, to provide some entertainment while we're all at home (hopefully).

Ouders van Nu - Van buik tot baby
Such a fun assignment! Making a series of quick illustrations to fill a whole book for Ouders van Nu. On being pregnant and giving birth, giving week to week information and corresponding tips about things to take care of. Graphic design by DIewertje van Wering and published with Kosmos Uitgevers.

BNO IMG LAB - Maakdrift
BNO IMG LAB is a series of events for which BNO and Het Nieuwe Instituut invite creatives to speak about a specific theme. This time that theme was ‘Creative Urge’ - a theme we loved to visualize.
Art Direction & Papercraft by Anna Bay & Rutger Paulusse
Graphic Design by Studio BLT

Let's Meet in the Middle
Personal project that resulted in rediscovering my passion for papercraft

OUDERS VAN NU - En het is een...
Another lovely project to work on! Ouders van Nu asked me to illustrate sixteen very diverse childbirth stories for a special about giving birth. I loved helping these stories come to life, making a big impact with something small and fragile. Like babies do :)

Psychologie Magazine - Bosbaden
Psychologie Magazine asked me to make them a forest with someone walking in it. So here it is! Had so much fun creating the perfect guy to match the wooden trees and bushes.
The illustration was made to go with an article about Shinrin-yoku, a Japanese term which translates to "forest bathing." Anyone who has been outside can tell you that it makes you feel good. Research now shows there are many health benefits beyond relaxing and a good mood. Like a boosted immune system, reduced blood pressure, increased ability to focus, accelerated recovery from surgery or illness, more energy and improved sleep.
The image was never used, but it did inspire me to go outside more and really take nature in!

KLASSE - Altijd leraar?
Another Rutger Paullusse & Anna Bay collab! This time for Klasse Magazine, a classy magazine about education. Always wonderfully designed and equipped with vibrant but stylish covers. So we were stoked to work with them and make several illustrations for their summer issue. Klasse wonders; how much of a teacher are you during your holiday? Are you still "meester Jaap" and take your chalkboard with you? Or are you just Jaap, chilling in his hammock, surrounded by empty beer cans?

In my Element
Earth, air, water and fire, crafted from four 7x14 cm strips of paper.

Urbana Projects - Mixity Europeannes
Rutger Paulusse and I were invited to create an artwork for the mixity Europeannes 2017 in Brussels. In this project 60 artists create an artwork that was printed at 295 cm x 150 cm and placed on fences in the European quarter of Brussels, with the theme of European Identity.
Read all about the concept in the presentation.

Lekker zit tussen je oren
'Taste is between your ears'. Whether we like a certain food is more determined by our brain than by taste, smell, touch and sight. Our experiences help define if something makes us drool or not. Illustration for AD Magazine.

De Correspondent - Dit was het nieuws niet
De Correspondent celebrated their 5 year anniversary with a book called 'Dit was het nieuws niet' and published four excerpts from it online. Had so much fun with these quickies because 1: it's for my favourite journalistic platform. 2: I could go abstract, yay! 3: Series, I love love love making series. 4: I could decide on the colours 5: Landscapes! 6: I needed to make these illustrations extra mega super fast. So no time for elaborate sketches. Working with just an idea makes room for spontaneity and a more fun making process.

DeLuxe Vaginal Flora poeni pakket
A celebration of vulval diversity.
Create your own vulva art by selecting and combining two (or more, you make the rules) sets of labia.